Untitled-1Most people think of lawn care as just mowing and occasionally get the sprayer to water the lawn. However, Best Choice Lawn Aeration has outlined a few key steps that can be incorporated to give you a better looking and a more organic lawn. Just like painting a room, or moving out of a house, if you do not clean the trash or throw away the junk first it quickly turns into a disaster. We will help eliminate a lot of straw grass, weeds and moss that affect many gardens. Straws are dead organic material that accumulates on the surface of the lawn which can include leaves, grass cuttings, seed and other garden waste. Over time, this layer can accumulate and begin to form a barrier that prevents the soil to obtain essential nutrients from water, air and food that leads to dehydration, sparse, thin layer of grass and, potentially, a series of lawn diseases. In simple terms, lawn aeration is the process of exposing the root base to the airflow. The air is essential for the growth of root health in turns this makes the lawn healthy and green.

Benefits of Best Choice Lawn Aeration Services

  • Greener and Healthier lawn
  • Improvement in the air exchange between soil and atmosphere
  • Enhance soil and water up take
  • Improve fertilizer uptake use
  • Reduce water runoff and pudding
  • Improve turf grass rooting
  • Reduce soil compaction
  • Enhance heat and drought stress tolerance
  • Improved resiliency and cushioning
  • Enhance thatch breakdown
  • Helps conserve water

Lawn aeration provides air to the roots and improves water penetration. More air and water means healthier roots, resulting in a beautiful green lawn. Aerating also prevent soil compaction, which can occur frequently in areas with high human foot tracking.Lawn aeration is an important part of lawn care that should not be overlooked. Neither water nor fertilizer can be absorbed into the roots unless oxygen is present in the soil. Lawn aeration strikingly cuts down on the soil compaction by getting out plugs of soil from the ground and leaving behind holes which permits oxygen to reach the roots, making room for the new roots to grow. The process of aerating the lawn can be relatively expensive but you won’t have to worry about that with Best Choice Lawn Aeration since were one of the most affordable houston lawn aeration companies. Regular lawn aeration helps you achieve a healthy green lawn that you can be proud of for many years to come.